Get free 90-day SSL certificates

Enjoy 100% FREE SSL certificates our service is trusted in 99.9% of all major browsers worldwide.
Verify your domain below and start your experience with us!

Easy to Setup

Create SSL certificate for your site in few minutes with step by step instuctions.

Privacy Protected

Protect user information and trusted by Let's Encrypt authority.

Free SSL Certificate

90-day FREE SSL certificate widely trusted on major browsers worldwide.

Unlimited Certificates

Create unlimited SSL certificates Guaranteed.

Why choose My SSL Free

My SSL Free is a unique service that provide unlimited FREE 90-day SSL wild trusted cretificates

Online Support

24/7 online
Customer support

Our team is working 24/7 to solve any issue you may have, for any inconvenience please feel free to contact us

  • Professional team
  • Real time monitoring
  • Email remider and notifications
  • Management Pannel
SSL Certificates

Complete FREE SSL Solution

Register and feel free to generate unlimited SSL Certificates in few minutes.

SSL Checker is included on your profile to verify certificates against SSL Authorities

Get the service

Frequently asked questions

WHO? HOW? WHY? To get answers for more questions, contact us.

Is this free for commercial use?

Yes, it is free for all usages including commercial usage.

Do these SSL certificates work for IP addresses?

No, certificates can only be generated for registered domain names.

Can Verification Files or TXT records be deleted after verification?

Yes, all verification files or records can be deleted after verification. It is used only once for each verification.

My website gives a security error after installation

If your website shows a security error then installation was not done correctly. You can revert last changes or if you need help with this your best bet would be to contact your host, professional developer or admin for help.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us at any time, we will reply within a day